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With integrity at the forefront of all our fencing projects, our fences are built to last. Our post holes are dug at least 3 feet into the ground, to ensure they are below the frost line; minimizing the risk of heaving. We then pour cement piers (below ground level and unseen to the eye) around each post, to create a fortified foundation, that is equipped to handle the stresses of strong winds and the weight of the fence itself.  Finally, we use pressure treated lumber, designed to withstand the elements, in an often treacherous Canadian climate.  Each of our models comes equipped with a 5 year craftsmanship warranty.  Not only are our fences built strong to last, but we also take pride in making them appealing to the eye.  Scroll down to have a look for yourself and contact us for a quote today!

"Side by Side" with Horizontal Caps

This is currently our most popular model, with the fence pickets nailed edge to edge. Over time, a small amount of "shrinkage" will occur between the boards, which will allow for air flow (reducing stress on the fence) and a moderate amount of sunlight penetration. 

Classic "Friendly Neighbor"

The "Friendly Neighbor" is a traditional style that has the fence boards alternating on each side.  This creates a semi-private effect: when you look straight at the fence, it appears to be gap-less, however, when you look at the fence from an angle, you can catch glimpses of the other side.  The gaps allow a clear path for wind flow, which reduces stress on the structure.  

"Board on Board"

The Board on Board design offers maximum privacy.  Constructed by overlapping the pickets, the fence remains visibly impenetrable for the duration of its life.  This results in zero airflow, which can burden the fence with wind stress.  But fear not, Chesterwood uses 6" by 6" posts for this design to maintain structural integrity and longevity.


A Horizontal fence design will offer both privacy and great visual aesthetics to your yard.  Considered to be more of a modern look, this pattern provides unique curb appeal that is sure to add value to your home.  Due to the extra details in craftsmanship required for construction, the Horizontal fence is a more expensive design.

"Scallop" Top 

The "scallop" top finish has been gaining popularity in recent years and is a great way to add an artistic flare to your yard.  This example is exceptionally appealing, as it was constructed using cedar lumber.  

More examples of our work.......

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